Open/Shared/Closed: The world of Data
What can open data do for you?
„Open Content“ einfach erklärt
Im Alltag begegnen uns häufig Begriffe wie "Open Source", "Open Access", "Open Data" oder "Open Government". Was sich dahinter verbirgt und was all diese Begriffe gemeinsam haben ist nicht einfach zu erkennen. explainity erklärt es in diesem Erklärfilm.
Changing the Culture of Government — Open Government Partnership
Animation launched at #OGPatUN, which marked the third anniversary of the Open Government Partnership on September 24, 2014.
Open Government Standards
Open Government Standards
Opening Governments, Boosting Shared Prosperity
"The World Bank is championing "Open Government" across regions and sectors. Governments that are more open are governments which operate on the principles of enhanced transparency and citizen participation. Open governments are more effective governments, better...
The OERs – Open Educational Resources
Why Open Educational Resources Matters
Why Open Education Matters
One Year On: From Commitment to Action
Played during the Open Government Partnership's one-year anniversary event in New York City, September 26, 2012. Featuring the original OGP video and first anniversary infographic.
Offene Daten –
Daniel Dietrich spricht mit Philip Banse über einen "unaufhaltsamen Trend": Wetterdaten, Parlamentsprotokolle und Standorte öffentlicher Toiletten.
What is Linked Open Data?
Linked Open Data - What is it? from Europeana on Vimeo. What is Linked Open Data? on Vimeo